
Investing with our financial consultant

  • We collaborate with you to understand your needs and risk tolerance, helping you establish clear financial goals.

  • We continuously monitor and review your investments, staying informed on market trends, investment strategies and economic developments.

  • We hold highly recognized certifications, with our expertise and ethical standards accredited by the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia (FPAM) and the Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC).


Our financial consultants

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Quarterly top performing certified financial planners

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Principal Direct Access (PDA)

  • Our consultants will be able to give you appropriate investment recommendation based on the information gathered in our PDA.

  • Open an investment account and transact online with consultant’s assistant and expertise.

  • Peace of mind with OTP validation for your investment transactions.

  • Seamless online transfer funds, of up to RM300,000.

  • Invest anywhere, and anytime digitally with professional consultant services


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