Principal Private Retirement Schemes (PRS) end-to-end retirement solution.
Principal introduces you to a hassle-free solution where the investment mix of the funds will be adjusted gradually over the years, corresponding to your age.
It is a comprehensive retirement solution that starts with accumulation phase, and when it matures, your funds will be moved automatically into decumulation phase. Earlier in the investment period, your cash will be invested into funds with a more aggressive investment mix, and as the years draw nearer to maturity it will shift into a more conservative mix.
Why invest with Principal?

Accumulation Phase (Pre-retirement)
What is Target Date Fund (TDF)?
A fund that is managed towards a target date. The target date is stated in the fund's name, and it is the approximate date you expect to retire. The fund's investment mix will shift gradually (from aggressive towards more conservative) over the years to meet your reducing risk tolerance as you grow nearer to retirement age.
How does it work?
You may select a TDF based on your year of birth:
Invest regularly in the TDF to accumulate wealth.
As the investment mix changes, the TDF may offer a risk and return exposure that is suited to you as you age towards retirement.

Decumulation Phase (Post-retirement)
Income Fund
You will need stable income after retirement to fund daily expenses and to maintain your lifestyle.
Principal PRS decumulation solution is a post-retirement solution, where you can invest in income fund - a mix asset fund with a moderately conservative risk profile, designed to suit retirees. The solution also comes with a Regular Withdrawal Plan (RWP).

Principal RetireEasy 2030 (Class A)
Principal RetireEasy 2030 (Class C)
Principal RetireEasy 2030 (Class X)
Principal RetireEasy 2040 (Class A)
Principal RetireEasy 2040 (Class C)
Principal RetireEasy 2040 (Class X)
Principal RetireEasy 2050 (Class A)
Principal RetireEasy 2050 (Class C)
Principal RetireEasy 2050 (Class X)
Principal RetireEasy 2060 (Class A)
Principal RetireEasy 2060 (Class C)
Principal RetireEasy 2060 (Class X)
Principal RetireEasy Income (Class A)
Principal RetireEasy Income (Class C)
Principal RetireEasy Income (Class X)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2030 (Class A)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2030 (Class C)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2030 (Class X)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2040 (Class A)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2040 (Class C)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2040 (Class X)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2050 (Class A)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2050 (Class C)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2050 (Class X)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2060 (Class A)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2060 (Class C)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2060 (Class X)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy Income (Class A)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy Income (Class C)
Principal Islamic RetireEasy Income (Class X)
Not sure how to plan your retirement savings or need more information on the funds? We are happy to help! You may leave your contact details and our Customer Care representative will be in touch with you soonest possible.
Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Everything you need to know about Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution
What is Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution?
The Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution is a comprehensive retirement planning solution that caters for both the accumulation phase during your working years, and the decumulation phase after you retire. It aims to provide you with a simple, straight forward, and hassle-free retirement planning journey from the start of your work until you reach retirement. It comprises of the Principal PRS accumulation solution and Principal PRS decumulation solution.
How can the Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution benefits you?
- Simple
You can easily select a suitable TDF based on your year of birth. By this, the selected TDF will have a target date that closely corresponds to your expected year of retirement*, and you will be investing in a TDF that offers appropriate risk and return based on your age.
TDF is designed to be held throughout the investment tenure until you retire. Just pick a TDF that suits your retirement goal and remain invested in the same TDF until retirement.
- Straightforward
You can stay invested in the same TDF until you retire. The TDF’s portfolio automatically rebalances over the years from an aggressive investment mix that focuses mainly on growth (e.g., higher allocation in equities) to a more conservative mix that focuses more on wealth preservation (e.g., higher allocation in debt securities/Sukuk). With that, the TDF will always offer an appropriate risk and return according to your age.
- Seamless
- As part of the PRS end-to-end retirement solution, after the TDF matures on its target date, all members of the TDF will be switched automatically into the Income Fund to begin decumulation journey. This will be a seamless transition from accumulation phase to decumulation phase.
- Additional benefits
- Managed by Principal, a global investment and retirement leader with more than 142 years of financial expertise.
- The TDF and Income Fund offers a diversified portfolio with global exposure.
- Incomes generated by all PRS funds are exempted from tax, including the Foreign Source Income (FSI) tax. You can enjoy personal tax relief of up to RM3,000 for contribution into PRS (effective from year of assessment 2012 to 2025).
- You can make nomination for the purpose of easy disbursement of your PRS balance in the event of your demise.
What are the funds offered under the Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution?
The Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution comprises of the following PRS funds:
Principal PRS accumulation solution | Principal PRS decumulation solution |
What is Principal PRS accumulation solution?
The Principal PRS accumulation solution aims to help you accumulate and invest your wealth in suitable PRS fund to prepare for retirement.
Under the PRS end-to-end retirement solution, the accumulation solution comprises of the Target Date Fund (“TDF").
What is Principal PRS Decumulation Solution?
The Principal PRS Decumulation Solution It enables you to customize your withdrawal and continue to grow your PRS for your post-retirement need.
The Principal PRS Decumulation Solution comprises of 2 components:
- Regular Withdrawal Plan (RWP)
Let you customize and schedule withdrawals based on your goals and cash flow needs.
- Funds
The Principal RetireEasy Income (REI) and Principal Islamic RetireEasy Income (iREI).
Helps you to continue grow your PRS balances, so that it can prolong the sustainability of your account balance after retirement.
Investing involves risk and cost. You should read the relevant Prospectus, and/or Disclosure Document including any supplemental thereof and the Product Highlight Sheet (if any) before Investing. You should understand the risks involved, compare and consider the fees, charges and costs involved, make your own risk assessment and seek professional advice, where necessary. Securities Commission Malaysia does not review advertisements produced by Principal. For full disclaimer, please visit