2020 Quarter 3 Market Outlook

Fixed Income by Jesse Liew

The first half of 2020 is, to say the very least, was an eventful one. Contending with a pandemic that we have not seen in our lifetime, businesses were forced to evolve faster and societies had to change their way of living. Despite COVID 19, the performance of financial markets over the first six months of the year has surprised investors.

In this video, Jesse will cover:

market outlook A review of fixed income performance in the first half of 2020

market outlook The outlook for fixed income in the third quarter of 2020

market outlook The strategy going forward


Equity by Patrick Chang

COVID-19 has clearly become the single most important driver for financial markets over the last several months. G3 countries have deployed 30 trillion of monetary and fiscal stimulus into their respective economies. Hence, the economic data is beginning to reflect the healing effects of the massive stimulus and reopening of economies. 

In this video, Patrick will cover:

market outlook The global outlook for the equity market

market outlook Asia-Pacific and ASEAN outlook

market outlook The strategy going forward


Global Sukuk by Mohd Fadzil Mohamed

After a strong performance last year with returns of 10.6%, the Global Sukuk asset class continued to perform strongly in the first two months of this year. In March, it corrected in line with all other asset classes globally where most investors were impacted by the market turmoil following the Covid-19 outbreak. Nevertheless, we have seen a resurgence in financial markets as governments around the world delivered stimulus packages and economies starting to reopen.

In this video, Mohd Fadzil will cover:

market outlook Market review

market outlook Global Sukuk outlook