Biotechnology & Technology
The fourth industrial revolution is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spaces in global industries, and Biotechnology and Technology Solutions, are at the forefront of it.
The Biotechnology Evolution

Biology & Technology Fusion

cell therapy
Gene Editing

Investors now have a larger opportunity set to position themselves in medical biotech: Absolute growth in terms of number and market capitalisation of biotechnology companies suggests that there is a high demand in the medical technology and novel drugs.
Growth of Biotechnology Companies in the U.S.
Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices, as of 31 March 2022. Data from Jan 2009 to Mar 2022. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Chart is provided for illustrative purpose only. Number of biotech companies in the U.S. as measured by the S&P Total Market Index.
Why Tech is Here to Stay?
From process automation to big data, digitalisation shapes our world today.
The coronavirus crisis has driven a long-term, structural acceleration of digital transformation (DT) and improved quality of businesses in the sector.

Technology sector is dominating the equity markets and will continue to grow as a result of the digital transformation megatrend. To date, technology stocks have been dramatically outperforming the wider markets.

As of 31 March 2022
are technology related companies

Source: Bloomberg, as of 31 March 2022. These securities do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended for clients, and the reader should not assume that investment in the securities listed was or will be profitable. For illustrative/discussion purposes only. It is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any particular security. It is neither indicative of any portfolio holdings at any one time nor reflective of current or future portfolio holdings.
investors are rewarded with:

Secular Growth

Good Quality

Strong Balance Sheet
Source: Bloomberg, as of 31 March 2022. EBITDA margin is derived from the earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization as a percentage of the total revenue. Price-to-Earnings Ratio is based on an estimate of Next-Twelve-Months Earnings Per Share (NTM EPS). Copyright © 2022, S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. All rights reserved.
Outlook for Biotechnology &
Technology Sectors
Percentage of total annual expenditures

There is no assurance that any projection, estimate or forecast will be realised.
Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2019 Edition, as of 28 August 2019.

Source: Bloomberg LP. As of 31 December 2021. Updated Annually. Based on holdings in the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index from 2011 through 2021.
New Drug Innovation Remains the Key to
Biotech Sector Growth

Annual FDA Drug Approvals
Source: Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). *As of 31 March 2022.
Three Leading Growth Themes for Technology

Cloud Computing Services

The Internet Of Things
2006: 2 billion
2023: 299 billion

Fintech, Digital Payments, E-commerce
data-driven, personal, real time, social
36.7% vs 3.25% year-over-year
payment networks, blockchain
There is no assurance that any projection, estimate or forecast will be realised.
- Source: IDC., October 15, 2020. Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is the rate of return required for an investment to grow from its beginning balance to its ending balance, assuming the profits were reinvested at the end of each year of the investment’s lifespan. There is no assurance that any projection, estimate or forecast will be realised. References to particular securities are only for the limited purpose of illustrating general market or economic conditions and are not recommendations to buy or sell a security or an indication of any portfolio holdings at any one time.
- Source for economic impact: McKinsey & Company. The Internet of Things: Mapping the Value Beyond the Hype June 2015.
- Source for connected devices: Intel Corp. A guide to the Internet of Things: Intel, IDC, United Nations 2016.
- Source for sales growth: U.S. Census Bureau. Based on U.S. sales, year-over-year, as of 31 December 2020. Quarterly year-over-year change, as of 2020 preliminary estimate. There is no assurance that any projection, estimate or forecast will be realised. References to particular securities are only for the limited purpose of illustrating general market or economic conditions and are not recommendations to buy or sell a security or an indication of any portfolio holdings.
How Opportunities Are Evaluated

