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Principal Islamic Global Selection Aggressive Fund - Class USD

Fund Performance

As at date : 31-01-2025
Year To Date Performance (%) 1Year (%) 3Year (%) 5year (%) Since Inception (%) NAV (USD) Fund Size (million)
Principal Islamic Global Selection Aggressive Fund - Class USD 1.41% 11.91% 8.79% 0.00% 5.13% 1.0100 0.02
Benchmark 0.81% 10.00% 33.10% 0.00% 40.35%
Benchmark : Lipper Synthetic Risk Free Rate 10% USD

Income Distribution History

Disclaimer : Annualised yield is calculated as the most recent monthly dividend distribution multiplied by the Fund’s dividend frequency and divided by the latest NAV.

Unit Split History

General Information

The Fund is an open-ended mixed asset (Shariah-compliant) fund issued by Principal Malaysia. The Fund aims to provide long term capital appreciation and income through Shariah-compliant investments that invests in the global markets within the Target Risk range of the Fund.

This is neither a capital protected fund nor a capital guaranteed fund.

The Fund is suitable for investors who:

  • have a long term investment horizon;
  • want Shariah-compliant investment that investment in global markets;
  • seek capital appreciation and income; and
  • can accept that returns may fluctuate within a target risk range over the investment period.

Click here to learn more about the Principal Islamic Global Selection Series.

Fund Video

Fund Details

Distribution PolicyAnnually depending on the availability of realised income and/or realised gains and at our discretion.
Note: The Fund will only distribute income after the 1st anniversary of the Fund’s Commencement Date.
Initial InvestmentUSD 1,000 or such other amount as the Manager may decide from time to time.
(Currently, Regular Savings Plan ("RSP") is not available.)
Additional InvestmentUSD 100 or such other amount as the Manager may decide from time to time.
(Currently, RSP is not available.)
Cooling off period

For first time individual investor investing with us, you have six (6) Business Days after your initial investment (i.e. from the date the complete application is received and accepted by us or any of our Distributors) to reconsider its appropriateness and suitability for your investment needs. Within this period, you may withdraw your investment at the same NAV per unit when the units were purchased or prevailing NAV per unit at the point of cooling-off (whichever is lower) (“Refund Amount”). We will pay the Refund Amount including the Application Fee (if any) to you in the currency of the Class within seven (7) Business Days from the day we receive the complete documentations. Please note that the cooling-off right is only given to first time investor investing with us or any of our Distributors. However, Principal Malaysia’s staff and person(s) registered with a body approved by the SC to deal in unit trust funds are not entitled to the cooling-off right.

If the Fund is an EPF-MIS approved fund and you have invested via EPF-MIS, your cooling-off right is subject to EPF’s terms and conditions.

Minimum Withdrawal100 units or such other amount as the Manager may decide from time to time.
Launch Date12 July 2021

Fund Partner

Click here to know more about our fund partner(s).

Fund Fees

Application Fees*Up to 5.00% of the NAV per unit.
*If the Fund is an EPF-MIS approved fund and you have invested via EPF-MIS, you may be charged an Application Fee of up to 3.00% of the NAV per unit, or such other rate as the EPF may determine.
Management FeesUp to 1.80% per annum of the NAV of the Class.
Trustee FeesUp to 0.05% per annum of the NAV of the Fund (including local custodian fees and charges but excluding foreign sub-custodian fees and charges)

Switching Fee


You may be charged a switching fee equal to the difference (if any) between the Application Fees of the other Class or Principal Malaysia's fund (or its class). In addition, the manager may impose a USD35.00 administrative fee for every switch.
Transfer FeeA maximum of USD 15 may be charged for each transfer.