Principal Strategic Global Growth Fund - Kelas AUD

Prestasi Dana

Sehingga tarikh : 28-02-2025
Tahun Terkini (%) 1Tahun (%) 3Tahun (%) 5Tahun (%) Sejak Permulaan (%) NAB (AUD) Saiz Dana (juta)
Principal Strategic Global Growth Fund - Class AUD 0.77% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.56% 1.0156 0.21
Penanda aras 1.81% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.53%
Penanda aras : Blend Bloomberg BC Glb Aggre/MSCI AC World (70:30)

Maklumat Umum

Dana ini adalah dana wholesale yang diterbitkan oleh Principal Malaysia.

Dana ini bertujuan untuk memberikan peningkatan modal jangka panjang dan pendapatan melalui pelaburan dalam pasaran global. Dana ini ditubuhkan dengan struktur berbilang kelas dan dibenarkan untuk menubuhkan Kelas baru dari semasa ke semasa tanpa persetujuan awal anda.

Ini bukanlah dana yang dilindungi modal atau dana yang dijamin modal.

Dana sesuai dengan anda jika anda:

  • mempunyai horizon pelaburan jangka panjang;
  • mahukan portfolio yang dipelbagaikan secara global; dan/atau
  • boleh menerima bahawa pulangan mungkin berfluktuasi sepanjang tempoh pelaburan.    

Butiran Dana

Distribution Policy

Depending on market conditions, performance of the Fund and level of income (if any) that the Fund generates, the Class will distribute on an annual basis. If the distribution available is too small or insignificant, any distribution may not be of benefit to the Unit holders as the total cost to be incurred in any such distribution may be higher than the amount for distribution. We have the discretion to decide on the amount to be distributed to the Unit holders.

Note: The Fund may distribute income from realised income, realised capital gains, unrealised income, unrealised capital gains, capital and/or a combination of any of the above. We reserve the right to vary the frequency and/or amount of distributions.


Initial Investment

Minimum AUD 1,000 or such other amount as the Manager may decide from time to time.


Additional Investment

Minimum AUD 100 or such other amount as the Manager may decide from time to time.


Cooling-off period

Individual Sophisticated Investors have six (6) Business Days after your initial investment (i.e. the date the complete application is received and accepted by us or our Distributors) to reconsider its appropriateness and suitability for your investment needs. Within this period, you may withdraw your investment at the same NAV per unit when the units were purchased or prevailing NAV per unit at the point of cooling-off (whichever is lower) (“Refund amount”). We will pay the Refund amount to you in the currency of the respective Class within seven (7) Business days from the date we receive the completed documentations. Please note that the cooling-off right is only given to first time investor investing with us or our Distributors. However, Principal Malaysia’s staff or a person registered with a body approved by the SC to deal in unit trust funds are not entitled to the cooling-off right.


Minimum Withdrawal

100 units or such other number of units as we may decide from time to time.


Minimum Balance

100 units or such other number of units as we may decide from time to time.


Launch Date




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Rakan Kongsi Dana

  • Principal's Distributors

Click here to know more about our fund partner(s).

Yuran Dana

Application Fees*Up to 3.00% of the NAV per unit.    
Annual FeesManagement Fee: Up to 1.50% per annum of the NAV of the Class.    

Trustee Fee:
Up to 0.045% per annum of the NAV of the Fund (including local custodian fees and charges but excluding foreign sub-custodian fees and charges).
Switching FeesSwitching is treated as a withdrawal from a Class and an investment into another Class or Principal Malaysia’s fund (or its class). As such, you will be charged a Switching Fee equal to the difference (if any) between the Application Fee of the Class and the Application Fee of the other Class or Principal Malaysia’s fund (or its class). Switching Fee will not be charged if the Class or Principal Malaysia’s fund (or its class) to be switched into has a lower Application Fee. In addition, we may impose AUD35 administrative fee for every switch. You may negotiate to lower the Switching Fee and/or administrative fees with us or our Distributors. We also have the discretion to waive the Switching Fee and/or administrative fees.
Transfer FeesAUD15 may be charged for each transfer.


Sekiranya terdapat sebarang pertikaian, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan diguna pakai.