FAQ - Invest with Principal via Touch 'n Go eWallet app

Part 1: General information

1. How is investment possible with Principal through Touch ‘n Go eWallet app?

You can now invest in Unit Trust funds* (“Fund”) with Principal Asset Management Berhad (“Principal Malaysia”) through GOfinance’s Investment feature.

*See FAQ no. 4 for fund listing.

2. What are the features in this Investment feature?

There are two features as below:

SaveSave is a goal-based investment feature where you can select and personalise your investment goals(s)
InvestInvest is a new feature that enables investors to invest in Global & Regional in both conventional & Islamic funds for potentially higher returns.
RetireRetire enables you to invest in Private Retirement Schemes to build your retirement fund.
3. What is the difference between GO+ and Save/Invest/Retire?
Purpose For daily usage
Earn daily returns on your balances and use them to make payments.
For Investment
An option to diversify and build your investment portfolio.
Returns    Daily nett returns of up to 3.45% p.a. or more.

For Save feature
Projected gross returns* of up to 3.95% p.a.

For Invest feature 

Average total returns of up to 15.86% (Since inception until 31 January 2024.

For Retire feature 

Returns of up to 26.80% (Since inception until 30 September 2024).

*Past performance is not an indication of future performance. 

Withdrawal/Cash Out
  • Instant Cash Out for GO+ balances to make payment through Touch ‘n Go eWallet’s merchants.
  • Up to three (3) Business Day to bank account.

For Save feature
Up to two (2) Business Days to bank account

For Invest feature 
Up to seven (7) Business Days to bank account

For Retire feature 
Refer to Part 5, Q13.

Investment HorizonShort to mid-termMid - long term*

*3 years or more. Please refer to the Fund's Product Highlight Sheet for details. 

























If you invest through the "Save" feature, please refer to the Fund information on the Investment Platform. Alternatively, please visit https://bit.ly/principal-funds and search for the fund name.

4. What is the difference between Save, Invest and Retire feature?
 Investing in “Save” featureInvesting in “Invest” feature
Investing in “Retire” feature
Purpose For savings
An option for you to invest in your financial goals.
For investing
An option for you to diversify your investment based on your risk appetites.

For retirement
Invest in Private Retirement Schemes to build your retirement fund.



Shariah-compliant Fund

  1. Principal Islamic Money Market Fund (Class D)


  1. Principal Islamic Money Market Fund (Class D)
  2. Principal Islamic Global Selection Moderate Conservative Fund (Class D)
  3. Principal Lifetime Bond Fund (Class D)


  1. Principal Islamic Lifetime Enhanced Sukuk Fund (Class D)
  2. Principal Islamic Global Selection Moderate Fund (Class D)
  3. Principal Islamic Lifetime Balanced Fund (Class D)
  4. Principal Lifetime Balanced Income Fund (Class D)


  1. Principal Asia Pacific Dynamic Mixed Asset Fund (Class D)
  2. Principal Islamic Global Selection Aggressive Fund (Class D)
  3. Principal Asia Pacific Dynamic Income Fund (Class D)
  4. Principal Global Titans Fund (Class D)
  5. Principal DALI Global Equity Fund (Class D)
  6. Principal Islamic Enhanced Opportunities Fund (Class D)
  7. Principal Asia Titans Fund (Class D)
  8. Principal Malaysia Titans Fund (Class D)
  9. Principal Titans Income Plus Fund (Class D)
  10. Principal Vietnam Equity Fund (Class D)
  11. Principal China New Energy Innovation Fund (Class D)
  12. Principal Islamic Global Multi-Asset Fund (Class D)
  13. Principal Islamic Global Responsible Equity Fund (Class D)


  1. Principal RetireEasy 2030 (Class A)
  2. Principal RetireEasy 2040 (Class A)
  3. Principal RetireEasy 2050 (Class A)
  4. Principal RetireEasy 2060 (Class A)


  1. Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2030 (Class A)
  2. Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2040 (Class A)
  3. Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2050 (Class A)
  4. Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2060 (Class A)
Cash In Min RM10Min RM10Min RM100
Withdrawal/Cash Out
Up to two (2) Business Days to the bank account.
Within seven (7) Business Days.


Refer to Part 5, Q13.


Investment HorizonShort to mid-termMid to long-term*
*3 years or more. Please refer to the Fund's Product Highlight Sheet for details.
Mid to long-term*
Please refer to the Fund's Product Highlight Sheet for details.




















5. What are the benefits of investing via this feature?
  • Convenient way to start investing from as low as RM10 (For Save/Invest) and RM100 (For Retire)
  • Gateway to Global & Regional Conventional & Islamic funds
  • Safe and secure platform
  • No investment cap

For fund information, you can refer to the following links: https://bit.ly/FundList and search for the fund name.

6. Where can I download the prospectus, disclosure document, product highlight sheet and other fund documents?

For all fund documentation, you may visit https://bit.ly/FundList and search for the fund name.

7. Are the funds protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM)?

This is an investment (not a bank deposit);, hence it is not protected by PIDM. 

8. Are the platform and funds regulated by Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)?

Yes, this platform and funds are regulated by SC.

9. Who is eligible to invest?

Any Malaysian, Touch 'n Go eWallet user who is above 18 years old and has completed the account verification process is eligible to invest.

10. If I am a foreigner, can I invest in via these features?

Currently, our Investment Platform is offered to Malaysians only. 

11. What should I take into consideration before investing?

You are advised to read and understand the Prospectus, Disclosure Document, and the Product Highlight Sheet for the Fund before investing. Please be advised that investment in the relevant Fund carries risk. An outline of the various risks involved are described in the Prospectus of the Fund. As an investor, you should make your own risk assessment and seek professional advice where necessary.

12. What is Shariah-compliant investments?

Shariah-compliant investments are investments based on the principles of Islamic finance. The guiding principles of Shariah-compliant investments dictates the investments must not involve any elements of Riba (usury), Gharar (ambiguity) and Maysir (gambling).

Part 2: Getting started

1. How do I get started?

To begin, you need to download and register with Touch ‘n Go eWallet.

If you are an existing GO+ investor, please follow these steps:

  • Click on GOfinance icon
  • Tap on Investment and select ‘Principal’
  • Complete risk assessment (For Invest feature only)
  • Select "Save", "Invest" and/or “Retire" feature
  • Key in Investment amount
  • Make your first Cash In using eWallet balance or FPX

For non-GO+ investors, you will need to provide consent and go through the onboarding process.

2. Can I open more than one account?


3. Do I need to provide any consent before I can proceed?


Part 3: Invest with Principal via the “Save” feature

1. How do I create my investment goal in the “Save” feature?

There are personalised goals that you can select in the “Save” feature, or you can choose general savings.

2. Do I need to select at least one financial goals to start my investment?

Yes, you need to select the personalised financial goals in the Investment Platform, or you can choose general savings.

3. Can I create more than one financial goal?

Yes, you can have multiple financial goals but can only create one financial goal at a time.

4. How many Funds are available in the “Save” feature?

Only one fund, Principal Islamic Money Market Fund (Class D) (“IMMF”) and it is a Shariah-compliant fund.

5. What is Projected Return rate?

Projected return rate is a gross return rate (excludes management and Trustee fees) per annum of your investment by Principal Malaysia over the next 12 months. 

6. What is Projected Net Return?

Projected Net Return is the estimated return on your investment over the next 12 months. It is calculated based on the current gross yield of the portfolio, less the fees (which comprises of both Management and Trustee fees) during the period which the projection was made.

For example: 
An initial savings of RM100,000 for 12 months, projected total earnings is RM2,150 (based of net return of 2.15% p.a.). 

7. What is Total Return and how is it calculated?

Total Return is the sum of your daily return accumulated from the day of your initial Cash In.

For example:
•    Initial investment of RM100,000 at NAV price of RM1.000 per unit.
•    Income distribution for 12 months = RM200 x 12 = RM2,400.
•    After 1 year, total investment value (assuming NAV price of RM1.001) 
      = RM100,000 x RM1.001 = RM 100,100.
•    Earning gain from NAV increment 
      = RM100,000 – RM100,100 
      = RM100
•    Total return (income), after 1 year 
      = RM2,400 + RM100 = RM2,500

8. Why does the Projected Return Rate fluctuate?

The Fund invests in mostly short-term Sukuk and Islamic FD placements, where their rates are closely aligned to the movements in the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) set by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). Any movements in the OPR (both upwards or downwards) will highly likely have an impact on the Fund’s projected gross returns.

Part 4: Invest with Principal via the "Invest" feature

1. How do I select the right Fund for myself?

After you’ve completed the risk assessment test, you will be recommended a few funds that suits your risk profile. 

2. Do I have to do the risk assessment?

Yes, you will need to complete a risk assessment test to determine your risk appetite.

3. How many Funds are available in the “Invest” feature?

Currently, there are twenty (20) funds as below:


  1. Principal Islamic Money Market Fund (Class D)
  2. Principal Islamic Global Selection Moderate Conservative Fund (Class D)
  3. Principal Lifetime Bond Fund (Class D)


  1. Principal Islamic Lifetime Enhanced Sukuk Fund (Class D)
  2. Principal Islamic Global Selection Moderate Fund (Class D)
  3. Principal Islamic Lifetime Balanced Fund (Class D)
  4. Principal Lifetime Balanced Income Fund (Class D)


  1. Principal Asia Pacific Dynamic Mixed Asset Fund (Class D)
  2. Principal Islamic Global Selection Aggressive Fund (Class D)
  3. Principal Asia Pacific Dynamic Income Fund (Class D)
  4. Principal Global Titans Fund (Class D)
  5. Principal DALI Global Equity Fund (Class D)
  6. Principal Islamic Enhanced Opportunities Fund (Class D)
  7. Principal Asia Titans Fund (Class D)
  8. Principal Malaysia Titans Fund (Class D)
  9. Principal Titans Income Plus Fund (Class D)
  10. Principal Vietnam Equity Fund (Class D)
  11. Principal China New Energy Innovation Fund (Class D)
  12. Principal Islamic Global Multi-Asset Fund (Class D)
  13. Principal Islamic Global Responsible Equity Fund (Class D)
4. Can I invest in more than one Fund?

Yes, you can.

5. Can I invest in Fund(s) that does not fit my investment profile?

Yes, you can. However, we would suggest all our investors to read our disclaimer before investing: https://www.principal.com.my/en/disclaimer-my

6. Where can I get more information on the Fund(s)?

For fund information, you can refer to the following links: https://bit.ly/principal-funds and search for the fund name.

7. How often do I get to see the Fund performance?

For a full view of the Fund performance, you can refer to our Fund listing here https://bit.ly/principal-funds and search for the fund name.

Part 5: Invest with Principal via the “Retire” feature

1. What is Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution?

The Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution is a comprehensive retirement planning solution that caters for both the accumulation phase during your working years, and the decumulation phase after you retire. It aims to provide you with a simple, straight forward, and hassle-free retirement planning journey from the start of your work until you reach retirement. It comprises of the Principal PRS accumulation solution and Principal PRS decumulation solution.

For now, we are only offering the accumulation phase via this feature. Decumulation phase to be introduced in the near future. 

2. What are the PRS funds being offered via the Retire feature?

Principal PRS accumulation solution 

  • Principal RetireEasy 2060
  • Principal RetireEasy 2050
  • Principal RetireEasy 2040
  • Principal RetireEasy 2030
  • Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2060
  • Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2050
  • Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2040
  • Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2030

(collectively known as Target Date Fund or “TDF”)

As it is Do-It-For-Me (Default Option), you will be automatically allocated a fund by default based on your Year of Birth. You will only need to choose either Conventional or Islamic scheme. 

3. What is TDF?

TDF is a collective investment scheme that is actively managed towards a particular target date. The TDF will invest according to an asset allocation strategy designed for investors who has a retirement goal that is close to the year stated in the name of the TDF. Subsequently, each of the TDF will mature on its target date.

4. How does TDF work?

TDF provides a straightforward and easy way to help you invest in a diversified portfolio that will actively and gradually rebalances over time to become less focused on growth and more focused on wealth preservation. 

In general, TDF would place greater emphasis on growth when it is far away from its target date, and more on stability as it gets nearer to its target date. The portfolio will gradually shift from a more aggressive investments mix (e.g., higher equity allocation) to a more conservative mix (e.g., higher debt securities/Sukuk allocation) as it approaches its target date. 

This gradual shift over time is known as glide path, which determines the ideal asset allocation that rebalances automatically throughout the lifespan of the TDF towards its target date, corresponding with investor’s risk tolerance as they get nearer to retirement.

5. Why TDF

TDF will de-risk gradually over the years as you age nearer to retirement. By investing in TDF that suits your retirement profile, you will always remain invested in a fund that offers suitable risk and return based on your current age. It helps you to achieve a higher growth potential when you are far away from retirement and focuses more on wealth preservation* when you are near to retirement.

* TDF is not a capital guaranteed/ protected fund.

6. What investment options do I have?

We are offering the Do-It-For-Me (Default Option) under this feature where we will place you into one of the PRS funds below that is most suitable for you based on your year of birth. 

Core FundYear of birthExpected year of retirement*
Principal RetireEasy 2060/ Principal Islamic RetireEasy 20601996 - 20052051 - 2060
Principal RetireEasy 2050/ Principal Islamic RetireEasy 20501986 - 19952041 - 2050
Principal RetireEasy 2040/ Principal Islamic RetireEasy 20401976 - 19852031 - 2040
Principal RetireEasy 2030/ Principal Islamic RetireEasy 20301968 - 1975^2023 - 2030


* Based on the retirement age of 55 years old specified by the Securities Commission Malaysia under the Guidelines on Private Retirement Schemes.

^ Currently, the Retire feature is available only to investors born in the year of 1972 – 2005. It will be made available to more investors in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates.

7. What is the asset allocation of the TDF?

The TDF are unconstrained in terms of asset allocation and region exposure (i.e., no fixed allocation or weightage in underlying assets or country). The TDF are managed with strategic or long-term asset class targets and target ranges. There is a rebalancing strategy that aligns with the target weights to identify asset classes that are either overweight or underweight. The TDF may shift asset class targets in response to normal evaluative processes or changes in market forces or fund circumstances.

The portfolio will gradually shift from a more aggressive investments mix (e.g., higher equity allocation) to a more conservative mix (e.g., higher fixed income securities) as it approaches its target date. This gradual shift over time is known as glide path, which produces the ideal asset allocation that rebalances automatically throughout the lifespan of the TDF towards its target date, which will correspond with investor’s risk tolerance as they get nearer to retirement.

For Principal RetireEasy 2060/ 2050/ 2040/ 2030
Up to 100% of the fund’s NAV may be invested in collective investment schemes (“CIS”) (including Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)), equities, debt securities, money market instruments and/or deposits. Notwithstanding,

  • up to 40% of the fund’s NAV may be invested in unrated debt securities; and
  • up to 10% of the fund’s NAV may be invested in unlisted securities.

For Principal Islamic RetireEasy 2060/ 2050/ 2040/ 2030 Up to 100% of the fund’s NAV may be invested in Islamic CIS (including Islamic ETF and Islamic REITs), Shariah-compliant equities, Sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits. Notwithstanding,

  • up to 40% of the fund’s NAV may be invested in unrated Sukuk; and
  • up to 10% of the fund’s NAV may be invested in unlisted Shariah-compliant securities.

Currently, the TDF will seek exposure to the various asset classes by investing in CIS (including ETF and REITs) to achieve greater market exposure, diversification and for cost efficiency purposes. At any point in time in the future, we may invest directly into the various asset classes as we deem appropriate, at our discretion.

For fund information, you can refer to the following links: https://bit.ly/FundList and search for the fund name.

8. What is the risk category of TDF?

TDF do not have a fixed risk category. The investment mix of the TDF will be actively adjusted over time until it reaches its target date. The asset allocation will shift from an aggressive mix to a more conservative mix as it gets nearer to the target date. Thus, TDF do not have a fixed risk exposure as it will de-risk over time.

9. What happens after the TDF matures on its target date?

As part of the seamless Principal PRS end-to-end retirement solution, after the TDF matures on its target date, all members of the TDF will be switched automatically into the Principal RetireEasy Income (REI) or Principal Islamic RetireEasy Income (iREI) to begin the decumulation journey. Thereafter, the TDF will be terminated.

For now, we are only offering the accumulation phase via this feature. Decumulation phase will be introduced in the near future. 

10. What If I reach retirement age* before the TDF matures?

Upon reaching the Retirement Age*,

  • you may remain invested in the TDF until its target date. No action is required from you as we will switch you automatically into the Principal RetireEasy Income (REI) or Principal Islamic RetireEasy Income (iREI) after the TDF matures on its target date.
  • you may request to switch into the REI or iREI before the TDF matures to start the decumulation journey.
  • withdraw your investment proceeds from the TDF.

*Based on the retirement age of 55 years old specified by the Securities Commission Malaysia under the Guidelines on Private Retirement Schemes.

11. Does the TDF distribute dividend?

Given the Funds’ objective, the TDF are not expected to pay any distribution. Distributions, if any, are at our discretion and will vary from period to period depending on the performance of the Funds.

12. How does the PRS account works?

PRS has 2 sub-accounts. All contributions made by or on behalf of you will be split and maintained in separate sub-accounts as follows:

  • Sub-account A – holds 70% of all contributions made to the PRS fund. 
  • Sub-account B – holds 30% of all contributions made to the PRS fund.
13. How often can I contribute into the PRS funds?

There is no limit to the number of contributions into the PRS funds. You may top-up your contribution anytime.

14. When can I make withdrawals from the PRS funds?

Currently, withdrawals from PRS funds may be made under the following circumstances permitted by the SC:

NoCircumstances for withdrawalSub-accountExtend of withdrawalsSubject to tax penalty
aUpon reaching Retirement AgeA & BPartial or fullNo
bPre-retirement withdrawalsBPartial or fullYes
cDeath of MemberA & BPartial or fullNo
dPermanent departure of a member from MalaysiaA & B No
eDue to permanent total disablement, serious disease or mental disability of a memberA & B No
fFor healthcare purposeBPartial or fullNo
gFor housing purposeBPartial or fullNo

You may be required to provide evidence to withdraw moneys from the PRS funds. In relation to:

  • item (c) – we will obtain prior authorization from the PPA before processing the withdrawal.
  • item (b), (f) and (g) – you may request for withdrawal once every calendar year from each PRS provider provided you have been a member of that scheme for at least one (1) year. 
  • item (b) – we will deduct an 8% tax penalty (or such other applicable tax penalty) from the withdrawn amount before making payment to you. 
  • item (f) –withdrawal is only permitted for member’s ownself or immediate family on certain illnesses. 

You are free to withdraw from the PRS fund and without tax penalty upon reaching the Retirement Age*. Please refer to the Disclosure Document for more information on withdrawals. 

* Based on the retirement age of 55 years old specified by the Securities Commission Malaysia under the Guidelines on Private Retirement Schemes. 

If you have any additional queries, you may connect with Principal Malaysia’s Customer Care Centre at +(603) 7723 7260, chat via WhatsApp or email your queries to mygoinvest@principal.com.

15. How do I cash out?

Cash out function for Retire feature will be offered via the app in the near future. 

If you wish to cash out, please connect with Principal’s Customer Care Centre via WhatsApp, call at +(603) 7723 7260 or email your request to mygoinvest@principal.com for assistance. 

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays).  

16. How do I perform a switch via the Retire feature?

Switching function for Retire feature will be offered via the app in the near future. 

If you wish to switch between Principal PRS funds, please connect with Principal’s Customer Care Centre via WhatsApp, call at +(603) 7723 7260 or email your request to mygoinvest@principal.com for assistance. 

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays). 

17. What is nomination in PRS?

Nomination in PRS is the process of naming an individual(s) to either administer (for a Muslim member) or to receive the PRS balances in the event of your demise. For more information, please visit https://www.ppa.my/make-your-nomination/.

If you have any additional queries, you may connect with Principal Malaysia’s Customer Care Centre at +(603) 7723 7260, chat via WhatsApp or email your queries to mygoinvest@principal.com. 

Part 6: Cash In

1. What is Cash In?

Cash In is a function to deposit cash via Touch ‘n Go eWallet or FPX Online Banking into “Save”, “Invest” or “Retire” feature.

2. Can I Cash In to the through a Principal Malaysia unit trust consultant and/or through Principal Malaysia branches?

No. You can only Cash In into the Investment Platform through Touch ‘n Go eWallet or FPX online banking.

3. Is there minimum Cash In amount?

Yes, the minimum Cash In amount is RM10 (For Save/Invest) and RM100 (for Retire), whether from your eWallet balance or from your bank account balance via FPX Online Banking (for starting out and future transactions).

4. What happens after I successfully Cash In via Touch ‘n Go eWallet or FPX Banking into “Save”, “Invest” or “Retire” feature?

You will be notified via Touch ‘n Go app notification once your Cash In request is successful. You may also view the transaction history to check your Cash In status.

5. How long does it take to process and credit my Cash In amount?

For Save Feature
If the transactions are made by 1:00 p.m. on a Business Day, we will process the transactions using the NAV per unit on that the same Business Day. For transactions made after 1:00 p.m. on a Business Day, we will process the transactions using the NAV per unit on the next Business Day.

For Invest Feature
If the transactions are made by 1:00 p.m. on a Business Day, we will process the transactions using the NAV per unit on the same Business Day. For transactions made after 1:00 p.m. on a Business Day, we will process the transactions using the NAV per unit on the next Business Day.

We will carry out the valuation for the Classes for each Business Day on the next Business Day (T+1) by 4:00 p.m. This is to cater for the foreign currency translation to the Fund’s base currency based on the bid exchange rate quoted by Bloomberg or Refinitiv at UK time 4:00 p.m. on the same day (Malaysian time 11:00 p.m. or 12:00 a.m.), or such other time as stipulated in the IMS.

For Retire Feature

If the transactions are made by 12:00 p.m. on a Business Day, we will process the transactions using the NAV per unit for that Business Day. For transactions made after 12:00 p.m., we will process the transactions using NAV per unit on the next Business Day.

The valuation point of the Funds for a Business Day will depend on whether the portfolio consists of foreign investments.

Funds without foreign investments:

We will value the Fund for a Business Day at the end of that Business Day (T day). The NAV per Unit for a Business Day is available on our website at www.principal.com.my after 10:00 a.m. on the following Business Day (T+1).

Funds with foreign investments:

We will value the Fund for a Business Day on the next Business Day (T+1) by 4:00 p.m. This is to cater for the currency translation of the foreign securities/instruments to the Funds’ base currency. Currently, the currency translation is based on the bid exchange rate quoted by Bloomberg/Reuters at UK time 4:00 p.m. on the same day (Malaysian time 11:00 p.m. or 12:00a.m.), or such other time as stipulated in the IMS. The NAV per Unit for a Business Day is available on our website at www.principal.com.my after 5:30 p.m. on the following Business Day (T+1).

Important Notice:** Only PRS contributions that are submitted by the cut-off time (12:00 p.m.) on the last business day of the year and processed successfully will be eligible for tax relief for the corresponding assessment year. 


  • If PRS contribution application is submitted by 12:00 p.m., 31 Dec 24:  
    Transaction will be processed on 31 Dec 24. Transaction which is successfully processed will qualify for PRS tax relief for the Year of Assessment 2024.
  • If PRS contribution application is submitted after 12:00 p.m., 31 Dec 24:
    Transaction will be processed on the next business day, i.e., 2 Jan 25. The transaction will not be eligible for PRS tax relief for the Year of Assessment 2024, but eligible for PRS tax relief for the Year of Assessment 2025. 

6. Why is the Cash In amount successfully debited from my FPX Online Banking, but not reflected in my transaction?

The possible reason for unsuccessful Cash In via FPX is that you might have transferred from an FPX bank account that is not registered under your name.

For any failed Cash In via FPX transaction due to third party payment, the amount will be refunded into the respective bank account used for Cash In within three (3) business days from day of the transaction, and any applicable bank charges payable shall be borne by the customers.

Alternatively, you may connect with Principal Malaysia’s Customer Care Centre at +(603) 7723 7260, chat via WhatsApp or email your queries to mygoinvest@principal.com

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday from 8.45am to 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays. 

7. Why did I get an unsuccessful transaction message via FPX?
  • You might have transferred from an FPX bank account that is not registered under your name.
  • You might have failed a bank portal authentication step (e.g. invalid login to bank portal, invalid entry of the bank’s One Time Password (OTP), insufficient funds in bank account, etc).
  • You did not meet the necessary requirements.  
  • Your Touch ‘n Go eWallet might have experienced a connection timeout. Please try again later.
8. How often can I Cash In?

No limit to the number of Cash In for your fund(s).

9. Can I Cash In regularly via standing instructions/auto Cash In to the investment platform?

Yes, you can setup monthly Auto Cash In. The minimum is RM500.

For more information on monthly Auto Cash In, you can view Part 13. This feature is currently available for Save and Invest only.

Part 7: Cash Out

1. What is Cash Out?

Cash Out is basically a request to withdraw your investment units.

2. How do I Cash Out?

For Save feature

  • You need to select a goal to Cash Out.

For Invest feature

  • You need to select a Fund to Cash Out.

Note: This Part is applicable for Save and Invest feature only. For Retire feature, please refer to Part 5. 

3. When can I make Cash Out (ie: sell request(s))?

You can Cash Out (i.e. sell) once your Cash In transactions (i.e. buy) are completed where you have units in your account. 

You are unable to Cash Out (i.e. sell) your fund during the transaction pending processing cycle where unit have yet to be credited into your selected goal(s).

4. Is there a minimum and maximum Cash Out amount?

The minimum Cash Out amount is RM10 and it will be credited back to your bank account and there is no maximum Cash Out amounts.

Please take note that we will do a full Cash Out if your Cash Out request results in balance of units below the minimum unitholding balance threshold.

For Retire feature, please refer to Part 5. 

5. How long does it take for the Cash Out to be paid to my bank account?

Cash Out can be made from the Fund by completing the withdrawal application and submit to e-Wallet App, or such other channel. There is no restriction on the frequency of withdrawals. The amount that you will receive is calculated by the withdrawal value less the Withdrawal Fee, if any.

For Save feature 
You will be paid in MYR within two (2) Business Days (T+2) of receipt of the complete withdrawal request. You will have to bear the applicable bank fees and charges, if any.

For Invest feature
You will be paid in MYR within seven (7) Business Days (T+7) of receipt of the complete withdrawal request. You will have to bear the applicable bank fees and charges, if any.

6. Other than my own bank account, can I Cash Out to my credit card?

No. Cash Out can only be done into your bank account.

7. Can I change my bank account information in the feature?

Yes, you can change by putting the new bank account number. 

8. How will I know when the Cash Out has been paid to my bank account?

You’ll receive a notification on your Touch ‘n Go eWallet that a successful Cash Out transaction was made. 

9. Why is the Cash Out amount not reflected in my bank account balance after two (2) business days?

These are the possibilities:

  • You might have Cash Out to a bank account that is not registered under your name or ID.
  • You did not meet the necessary requirements.
  • You did not provide all required and accurate information to us. If you fail to complete your Cash Out request, non-receipt of the Cash Out request by us or receipt of inaccurate information by us, the Cash Out request will be cancelled automatically.

Cash Out request made will take up to two (2) Business Days to bank account for Save feature OR up to seven (7) Business Days to bank account for Invest feature. 

For clarification, you may connect with Principal’s Customer Care Centre via WhatsApp, call at +(603) 7723 7260 or email your queries to mygoinvest@principal.com 

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays). 

10. Where can I view my Cash Out transaction status?

You can view your Cash Out transaction status on the transaction tab at the bottom of the page.

11. What does it mean when the Cash Out transaction status is shown as unsuccessful?
  • You might have Cash Out to a bank account that is not registered under your name or ID.
  • You did not meet the necessary requirements.
  • You did not provide all required and accurate information to us. If you fail to complete the Cash Out request by you, non-receipt of the Cash Out request by us or receipt of inaccurate information by us, the Cash Out request will be cancelled automatically. 
12. Can I close my account anytime I want?

You could Cash Out all your invested amount and the account will only be closed if the account is with zero balance for 12 months.

Part 8: Switching

1. What is switching?

Switching is treated as a withdrawal from this Class and an investment into another class or Principal Malaysia’s funds (or its classes).

2. Can I switch between goals or funds within the feature?

Yes, you may.

For Retire feature, no switching is allowed as it is a Do-It-For-Me option.

3. Is there a limit for switching?

Currently, there is no restriction on the frequency of switches.

4. Are there any switching fees that may apply?

You may be charged a Switching Fee equal to the difference (if any) between the Application Fee of this Class and the Application Fee of other class or Principal Malaysia’s funds (or its classes). Switching Fee will not be charged if the class or Principal Malaysia’s funds (or its classes) to be switched into has a lower Application Fee.

For fund information, you can refer to the following links: https://bit.ly/principal-funds and search for the fund name.

5. How do I perform a switch via the feature?
  • From the dashboard, click “Switch” and select a goal or fund you wish to switch from and to.
  • Enter the amount you wish to switch (minimum RM10).
  • Click to agree on the Terms and Conditions.
6. How long does it take to process a switch?

Where available, we process a switch as a withdrawal from one fund or class and an investment into another fund or class within Principal Malaysia. If we receive a complete switch request by 4:00p.m. or 1:00p.m. (for Class D) on a Business Day, we will process the switch-out using the NAV per unit for that Business Day. If we receive the request after 4:00 p.m. or 1:00p.m. (for Class D) on a Business Day, it will be processed using the NAV per unit for the next Business Day (T+1).

However, you should note that the switch-in may be processed at a later Business Day, generally within one (1) to four (4) Business Day.

Part 9: Charges & Fees

1. Are there any charges and fees when I Invest into “Save” or “Invest”?

Table below shows the charges that you may directly incur when you buy or withdraw from IMMF.

Application Fee
Withdrawal Fee
Other charges payable directly by you when purchasing or withdrawing the units

Any applicable bank charges and other bank fees incurred as a result of an investment or withdrawal will be borne by you.

Table below shows the charges that you may indirectly incur when you invest in IMMF.

Management Fee

Up to 0.40% per annum of the NAV of the Class.

Trustee Fee

Up to 0.02% per annum of the NAV of the Fund.
Expenses directly related to Fund

Only expenses that are directly related to the Fund can be charged to the Fund. Examples of relevant expenses are audit fee and tax agent’s fee.


If you invest via the “Invest” or “Retire” feature, please refer to the Fund information in the Investment Platform. Alternatively, please go to https://bit.ly/FundList and search for the fund name.

2. Will there be any fees incurred if I perform a Cash In?
FeatureSales ChargeManagement Fee
Save0%0.4% p.a.
Invest0% - 1.5%Up to 1.8% p.a.
Retire1.5%1.4% p.a.

Please do check back from time-to-time for any future updates.

3. Can I transfer my investment to another investor?


Part 10: How do I update my personal details?

1. How do I update my personal details on the feature?

There are two ways to update your personal details:

  1. You can update your personal details in the Investment Platform's profile except your Name and NRIC, where you to need to update through Customer Care Centre.
  2. You may chat with Principal’s Customer Care Centre via WhatsApp, call at +(603) 7723 7260, or email your queries to mygoinvest@principal.com

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays). 

2. How do I update my personal details on Touch ‘n Go eWallet?

To update, you can click on the “Profile” icon on the top right of the Touch ‘n Go eWallet homepage. Alternatively, you can submit the correct details at https://tngd.my/careline-webform.

3. If I change/update my personal details on Touch ‘n Go eWallet, will my personal details in the feature be updated automatically too?

No, not at this time. You need to update your personal details in the Investment Platform's profile except your Name and NRIC, where you to need to update through Customer Care Centre.

You may chat with Principal’s Customer Care Centre via WhatsApp, call at +(603) 7723 7260, or email your queries to mygoinvest@principal.com

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays). 

Part 11: Cooling-off request to Principal

1. What is a cooling-off period?

A cooling-off period is six (6) business days from the first successful Cash-in by a first-time investor of the Fund. During this period, the investor has the right to request a refund of the first Cash-in amount. The refund will be based on the NAV per unit at the time of purchase or the prevailing NAV per unit at the cooling-off point, whichever is lower. The cooling-off period ceases to apply once there is a redemption.

2. Who is entitled to the cooling-off period?

First-time investors of the Fund, excluding Principal Malaysia employees or a person registered with a body approved by the SC to deal in unit trusts.

For Retire feature, cooling-off right is only given to first time member registered with PPA who is investing with any Private Retirement Scheme provider.

3. How do I submit my cooling-off request?

Please call Principal’s Customer Care Centre at +(603) 7723 7260, chat via WhatsApp or email to mygoinvest@principal.com; you will be advised and guided on how to perform the cooling-off request.

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays). 

4. When can I get my refund upon submission of the cooling-off request?

We will pay the Refund Amount including the Application Fee (if any) to you within seven (7) Business Days from the day we receive the complete documentations.

For Retire feature, we must obtain prior authorization of the Private Pension Administrator (PPA) before proceeding with the refund. We will refund the investment amount including the Sales Charge (if any) to you in RM within seven (7) Business Days of receiving the authorization of the PPA. 

5. Is the cooling-off period applicable to subsequent Cash In?

No, the cooling-off period is only applicable to your first Cash In into the Fund via the Investment Platform.

6. I have existing unit trust accounts set up through Principal Malaysia’s unit trust consultant(s); but I am investing in the Fund for the first time via Touch ‘n Go eWallet. Is the cooling-off period applicable?


Part 12: Transfer & Switching Facility for the Fund

1. Can I transfer my units to another investor?

No, you are not able to transfer at this point of time.

2. Can I switch between the classes of the Fund and other Principal Malaysia Fund?

No, you are not able to switch at this point of time.

Part 13: Dashboard and Transaction History

1. Can I view my Cash In and Cash Out transactions?

Yes. You can view your Cash In and Cash Out in transaction history. 

2. What are the details displayed in transaction history?

Your transaction history will include details of your Cash In, Cash Out and Income Distribution.

3. What is Income Distribution?

Income derived by the Fund which is distributed to investors based on distribution policy. 

The distribution policy is monthly depending on the level of income (if any) the Fund generates.

For Retire feature, please refer to Part 5.

4. Why does the unit price fall after a distribution?

Income earned by the Fund during the financial year is accrued in its unit’s price until the end of the distribution period. When an income distribution is declared, any interest income and realized capital profits are paid to unit holders. Consequently, the Fund's net asset value per unit, and therefore the application (offer) and withdrawal (bid) prices will tend to fall by approximately the same amount as the income distribution.

Part 14: Monthly Auto Cash In

1. What is monthly Auto Cash In?

Monthly Auto Cash In is an investment plan that allows you to invest a fixed amount monthly. 

2. Why should I activate monthly Auto Cash In?

By investing in a fixed amount every month (using dollar-cost averaging concept), you will enjoy a  simple and a hassle-free way to start investing on a regular basis to meet your financial goals.  

3. How do I apply or setup monthly Auto Cash In?

You can apply or setup monthly Auto Cash In using your preferred bank account after setting up a goal before you complete your Cash In.

4. How long will it take for the monthly Auto Cash In to be effective?

Your Auto Cash In enrolment will be effective within 2 business days, subject to your bank’s approval.

5. What is the minimum investment amount for monthly Auto Cash In?

The minimum investment amount for monthly Auto Cash In is RM500.

6. What are the payment methods available for Auto Cash In?

You can make online payment via FPX.

7. Do I have to setup monthly Auto Cash In for every goal or fund?

If you wish to save and/or invest on a regular basis, you will need to setup monthly Auto Cash in for each goal and/or fund.

8. How do I change or cancel my monthly Auto Cash In?

You can edit or cancel your monthly Auto Cash In after your initial Auto Cash In is successfully setup. This can be done through the Edit Auto Cash In option.

9. What is the frequency of the monthly Auto Cash In?

The amount will be deducted monthly from your bank account on the preferred date you’ve setup. 

10. What is the transaction date for the monthly Auto Cash In?

The monthly Auto Cash In will be deducted directly from your bank account on a date you select. If it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday, the deduction will happen on the next business day.

11. Are there any fee charges for monthly Auto Cash In?

You will not incur any charges on the monthly deduction.

12. Why did my monthly Auto Cash In fail?

This could be due to the following reasons:
a)    Insufficient amount in your bank account, or
b)    Bank account is not registered under your name, or
c)    Transactions in your preferred bank account has been blocked/suspended by your respective Bank

13. What is a pre-authorisation fee?

A pre-authorisation fee is a temporary hold of funds on your bank account which will be refunded to you. 

14. Why is there a pre-authorisation fee?

It is to ensure that the bank account selected for the Auto Cash In is active and valid for the monthly deduction.

15. What is the pre-authorisation fee amount?

The pre-authorisation fee’s amount is RM1.

16. How long will it take for the pre-authorisation fee to be refunded?

The RM1 pre-authorisation fee will be automatically refunded within 2 business days. Should you not receive the refund within stipulated time, you may chat with Principal’s Customer Care Centre via WhatsApp, call at +(603) 7723 7260, or email your queries to mygoinvest@principal.com

Please take note that the operating hours are during business hour between Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.45pm (except on Kuala Lumpur and national public holidays). 

17. How long will it take for the monthly Auto Cash In to be reflected in my account?

The monthly Auto Cash In amount will be reflected in your account within 3 working days from the deduction date. 

Part 15: Security and Privacy

1. Are my personal details in Touch ‘n Go eWallet safe?

Touch ‘n Go eWallet assures that your personal details will not be shared or sold to any other parties, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. However, by signing up for the Investment Platform, you have given consent for the required personal details to be shared with Principal to facilitate account opening and operating the investment account. 

You may read more about Touch ‘n Go eWallet privacy policy at https://www.tngdigital.com.my/tng-group-s-privacy-statement and Principal Malaysia’s privacy notice at https://www.principal.com.my/en/privacy-notice-my

2. How do I ensure that my Touch ‘n Go eWallet account is secure?
  • Ensure that you have activated your smartphone auto-lock-screen.
  • Do not share your 6 Digit PIN with anyone.
  • Do not share your OTP with anyone. Keep your OTP details safe.
3. What should I do if I lost my smartphone that has my Touch ‘n Go eWallet account?
  • Step 1: Contact the Touch ‘n Go eWallet Careline at 03-5022 3888 to suspend your Touch ‘n Go eWallet account immediately. This is to protect your balance in your Touch ‘n Go eWallet account.
  • Step 2: Contact your mobile service provider to block your SIM card immediately, to prevent any attempt